Star Traders Wiki

There are a number of acronyms that have made their way into the community's vernacular. This is an attempt at an exhaustive list of the most common of them:

AM: Alta Mesa

BH: Bounty Hunter

BM: Black Market

CC: Crew Combat

CM: Combat Medic

CMD or CO: Commander

DI: Diplomat

DPM: Defense Pattern Matrix (ship component)

DV: De Valtos

EL: Edict Level

EM: Evasive Maneuvers

ENG: Engineer

EXO: Exo Scout

EX: Explorer

FC: Fidelis Cutter

GI: Guardian Interceptor

Mok: Moklumnue

MR: Military Rank

O/C: Officer to crew ratio

PVM: Peak Velocity Matrix (ship component)

PI: Palace Interceptor

PM: Pilot Assist Module (ship component)

SC: Ship Combat

SN: Sniper

SotV: Skip Off the Void

SS or SSC: Steel Song Clan

STF: Star Traders Frontiers

TP: Trade Permit

W-F: Water-Fuel

XH: Xeno Hunter
